Why Join Tonic

Posted By Cynthia Janzen

By Cynthia Janzen, Membership Engagement and Recruitment

I have been talking to some potential members lately about why Tonic: Rotary After Five is a good group to join. Here are just three benefits  of Rotary (believe me, there are more – this is just a quick hit):

  1. Leadership skills. I have been in Rotary 20 years and know that I have learned as much about leadership at Rotary as I ever did at work. For improving leadership skills, learning about group dynamics, honing presentation skills and much more, Rotary is tops. At Tonic, we go one better and have a pro bono consulting program, Rotary Advisers, for community organizations. At Tonic you can sharpen your skills all the more, while providing a great community service.
  2. Good feelings. It’s well known that volunteer work is a positive thing to do. Joining a club like Tonic takes all those good intentions and gives them focus, whether you are mentoring at-risk youth, supporting a food security program, or supporting an international scholar. You’ll feel better. You’ll BE better.
  3. Being part of something big. Rotary is an incredible force for good around the world.  And even if much of your efforts are at the local level, Rotary’s scope and impact is something to feel proud of.
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